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The Boxer, Part 2: Marine Corps Champion

(As we celebrate Dad's life the next few days, I am re-posting this interview I did with him 6 years ago when dementia was beginning to get a grip on him.  I did not want these stories to be lost!  Enjoy!)

originally posted January 31, 2009


It's been 55 years since Dad wore this boxing robe.  I can just imagine him prancing into the boxing ring, bouncing around punching the air, ready to rumble!



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The Boxer, Part 1: Golden Gloves Beginning

(As we celebrate Dad's life the next few days, I am re-posting this interview I did with him 6 years ago when dementia was beginning to get a grip on him.  I did not want these stories to be lost!  Enjoy!)

originally posted January 29, 2009

This is my dad, Bud House.

Before.  Before he ever met Mama, before I was ever even thought about, Dad was a champion boxer.


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Triple Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is quite the Facebook phenomenon.  Our family was touched very personally and tragically when my mother-in-law Peggy was diagnosed with ALS in 2005 and passed away after suffering terribly in 2007.  So when my niece Tiffany challenged us all to either be drenched in ice water or donate $100 to the ALS Association, Kim and I opted to stay dry and donated $100.


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Mama's Memories, Part 9: Baths, Lights, and Groceries



Life when Mama was growing up was difficult (to say the least!) by our standards, but for her family things just were the way they were and the family learned to make do.  In this video, she recalls their lack of indoor plumbing, the excitement of getting electricity, and trips to the grocery store.



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