Peddling Books
Two years have passed since I published my first book, "Unsinkable," but I still enjoy occasional opportunities to share about the book and its subject, the late Winnie Nirich.
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Two years have passed since I published my first book, "Unsinkable," but I still enjoy occasional opportunities to share about the book and its subject, the late Winnie Nirich.
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I'm still reeling from the stunning news.
Winnie, our Mr. Unsinkable, left this earth and soared into Heaven late yesterday afternoon.
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Kenny Gray, my father-in-law, is the hardest working man I know, aside from my husband Kim.
The acorn doesn't fall too far from the tree.
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Most of Saturday was spent with Winnie and Judy and 19 other local authors peddling their books at the Pendleton Local Author Book Fair.
One would think the success of a book fair is based upon the number of books sold.
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Tomorrow is one of the biggest local author book fairs around.
So if you like good books and want to support some amazingly talented local authors, you need to stop by and have a look-see!
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First Merchants Bank in Middletown, IN
3:00 - 4:15 pm.
Stop by, meet Terry and Winnie,
and get your very own autographed book!
Yesterday morning, I took a deep breath, said a prayer, kissed the package (yes I did!), and mailed "UNSINKABLE" to the Powers That Be at Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions.
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Continue reading "Mr. Unsinkable" »