"Harmony High" & Wax Museum
My 4th-grade granddaughters Kelsey (gray t-shirt, front and center) and Kassie (rose Nike t-shirt, second row right) have been busy with end-of-the-school-year events.
Recently, their 4th/5th grade Shenandoah Singers group performed the musical "Harmony High" in the Shenandoah Elementary gym.
This fun musical is set in a high school where everyone sings and gets along, where the students/teachers/staff are all in harmony and everyone's cool and happy. (Wouldn't that be a great model for our high schools today?!)
Kassie and Kelsey had roles as the cafeteria cooks (who doesn't love a cool, singing cook?!).
Kassie did great with her solo!
Let's hear it for the cooks!
And a crazy science teacher too!
The kids really had a great performance...
...under the direction of SES music teacher, Mrs. Lipps (the perfect name for a choir director!).
In another year-end project, all the fourth-grade classes put on a Wax Museum of Famous Hoosiers for other students and their parents and grandparents. Each student chose a famous Indiana native and dressed like them, created a poster display, and memorized a short narrative to tell about their life.
Kassie chose Ryan White...
...and did a great job telling his story!
Kelsey's famous Hoosier was Orville Redenbacher.
In order to "activate" the wax figure, Papaw put the popcorn box in her hands.
Orville never looked so cute!
Just one more week of fourth grade for these two sweet 10-year-olds. We enjoyed seeing them share their talents in...
..."Harmony High" and the Wax Museum.