It's the Gray family motto. And if you're gonna party, may as well do it all at once. Our Ohio grandchildren all have birthdays within 6 weeks of each other, so to simplify things they threw a 3-in-1 birthday party over the weekend.
Abram turned 8 on March 25...
Today is Lucy's birthday...she's 6 years old...
And this little rascal Daniel will be 4 on May 4.
Some scenes from the big birthday bash...
Since he is the youngest (and least patient!), Daniel got to open his gifts first.
Lucy's turn...
And one of the burdens of being the oldest child (there are me, I speak from experience!), Abram had to wait until last.
A Maasai spear, straight from Africa. Gramaws sometimes buy weird's a Gramaw's prerogative.
Abram and Krew are best-buddy cousins...just 6 weeks apart in age...
I know Abram has a whole drawer of socks, so why did he choose to wear this holey pair of Daniel's? The mysteries of children...
Aunt Dana entertaining Koda...(and a contemplative Uncle Kamaron in the background)...
Aunt Kelli with Baby Nathan...
Nothing like COUSINS!!! The 3 birthday kiddos with most of theirs...
Cake time! Ice cream cake for the win!!!
May all their birthday wishes come true!
Daniel couldn't sit still to eat his cake...more fun to beg off Daddy and Mommy.
I failed to take a good photo of the whole family. Very soon it will be a family of 6...Baby Gray is due in 5 weeks!
Little Nathan is 15 months old...what a cutie!
And this is his brother Mason, who is 3 1/2. They are the sons of Kara's sister Kelli and her husband Brett.
Aunt Anique and cousin Juni (6 1/2)...
Aunt Dana with the 2 oldest cousins, Kaden (12) and Karter (13 1/2)...
We Love You too, Lucy-Girl!
I'm a sucker for photographing piles of shoes...a pile of shoes means lots of fun happening!
Grandpa Jeff with little Nathan...
Lucy couldn't wait to try out her inline skates...she's a natural!
Such a fun day celebrating some of my favorite little peeps (who are growing up WAY TOO FAST!).
A three-in-one celebration!