Following what has become a 3rd-birthday tradition in their family, a trip to Build-a-Bear was the highlight of Daniel's birthday.
His other grandma/my close friend Peggy and I went down to share in the birthday fun.
The choices are overwhelming!
But after some parental manipulation gentle steering, Daniel chose to "build" a lion.
Which, for reasons only his sharp 3-year-old mind knows, Daniel confidently dubbed "Brick."
While Daniel was working on his lion, Lucy was in the animal dressing room trying new outfits on Princess, the bear she built on her 3rd birthday two years ago.
Daniel handed Brick over to get stuffed.
While Brick was getting filled, Daniel picked out a special heart to tuck inside his lion.
Daniel really took in what the lady said about Brick's would make him smart...
...and strong...
...and very brave. "ROAR!!!"
Daddy Kyler helped Daniel tuck Brick's heart inside...
Then she closed Brick up tightly and handed Daniel his new friend.
I just love this kiddo and his expressive face!
Meanwhile, after considering dozens of options, Lucy decided on a Belle dress for Princess. Perfect!
What a fun birthday morning!