Transpantaneira Highway
It's Basketball Season!

No, Thanks


Any idea what's in this basket?


Captain John Smith was the first to write about these native American fruits, having "discovered" them growing in the Virginia area in 1609.  Actually, these fruits were around long before Captain Smith and were eaten by native Americans as well as all sorts of woodland critters.

There aren't that many fruits that grow in our climate, so I can understand how the native peoples here would relish them as part of their limited food supply options.  But with Kroger and its incredible variety of available fresh fruits from all over the world right around the corner, persimmons are...well, honestly speaking, just YUCK in comparison.



A few years ago, Kim got a wild hair and ordered a couple of persimmon trees for our property.  Why???  I have no idea...some things about my man I just will never understand.

Apparently this was a bumper-crop persimmon year, and our young trees were just loaded.



If you think (and I promise, if you tasted one you'd agree) that ripe persimmons are not-so-delicious, don't even think about trying one before it frosts.  You'll have a pucker-mouth for days!

Understandably, deer and other animals love them (persimmons are even called possum apples in some parts of the country) and I'm fine with Kim feeding the animals.  I just don't want him trying to feed them to me.

Which he has.  Even coated with brown sugary oatmeal and disguised inside a modified apricot bar, persimmons just don't strike a happy chord with my taste buds.



So if any of y'all are hankerin' for a nibble of persimmon, let me know and I can fix you up.

As for me?

No, thanks.



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