V-Day Randomness
My Best Images of 2017

Ballin' with the Big Boys


Dreams are born here.


Basketball dreams.  Every evening and weekend this fieldhouse is filled with children (and parents) with stars in their eyes from big ballin' dreams and hoops hopes for future stardom on the court.



Last weekend, Best Choice Fieldhouse was the place where this little boy's dream came true.

Our small school doesn't field a second-grade basketball team, so Kaden (who lives and breathes and spends every free second shooting basketballs) gets his chance on the court with a Y league team.



With the flu outbreak decimating team numbers last week, Kaden (#22) was invited to dress for his big brother Karter's 4th grade team.  Maybe, just maybe, he might get in a game.

He didn't stop smiling all week!



Daddy Kristoffer is one of the assistant coaches for the team, and before the game he gave Kaden a cram session on the team's plays.

The child has a photographic memory, so I'm sure he had them memorized before he ever hit the floor.



For most of the two games, Kaden watched from the bench as his brother Karter (#10) and the other 4th-graders competed.



Coach May talked to him as he patiently waited for his opportunity.



And then, it came.  Kaden didn't get to touch the ball much and sometimes it wasn't real pretty.  But the excitement on his sweet face just to be playing brought all of us joy!



For the short stretches he played, Kaden gave it his all and did just fine.

Actually, as it worked out, he also got playing time with the other flu-decimated Shenandoah 4th-grade team who were also playing in Best Choice that day, and he even hit a basket!

Couldn't wipe that grin off his face all day...

Ballin' with the big boys.




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