Tackle Football Rookie
Don't you just love a cute boy in a football uniform?!
Since it's 4th-6th grade, he's one of the youngest on the team.
Kim and I are going to be gone most of September, so we'll miss most of his games.
But we enjoyed seeing him in action in his first-ever REAL football game.
He never actually touched the football, but he did get in on a tackle or two!
YIKES! Karter sandwich!
There are some BIG dudes playing in this league...just ask #4...
Karter had his own encounters with some big boys!
Kaden had his own first flag football game that morning, but we had to miss it because we were helping with Community Days. We'll catch him in action later!
He shared his game highlights with Papaw Kenny.
We enjoyed watching our oldest grandson play on the same Shenandoah Raiders field his daddy and uncles played on. Yes, in true Hoosier tradition it's right beside a cornfield...
Lots and lots of football games ahead, but this one was special. Karter's first time experiencing REAL football.
Our tackle football rookie.