Krew-Man and Juni-Bug
Juni is now 5 weeks old already and growing like a weed! Although she's a whole lot cuter than any weed I've ever seen...
I can't believe how much she changes from week to week!
And her big brother Krew (19 months old) was his usual happy, giggly self.
He gets in his silly mood when Gramaw comes...I wonder why?!
He's a big boy too these days, almost 3 feet tall (98th percentile) and 28 pounds of adorable little boy.
My friend Peggy, who has been so sweet driving me to many of my radiation appointments in Indy, was with me and got to meet Juni for the first time.
Krew is rather indifferent to his baby sister, but he was very cooperative for Gramaw so I could photograph the two of them together.
Cooperative, but not exactly thrilled...
Little giggles and smiles are the best medicine ever!
Gramaw adores her...
...Krew-man and Juni-bug!
Posted by: Lisa | 09/19/2015 at 11:55 PM