Two More Old Photos
My grandparents Clyde and Hazel House, with four of their children...Fred, Fredette, my Dad Buddy, and Raellen.
I'm guessing the date as about 1936, judging by Dad's approximate age in the photo.
He was (and still is!) the orneriest fella....
And look at Grandpa House's hair! I only remember him as almost completely bald...
In this one, Dad is the young man holding the dog.
Behind him, my Great-Grandparents Mary and Albert House. Mary is holding probably-squirmy young Uncle Jerry (my dad's brother) and Aunt Caralou (Dad's sister) is behind the dog. His other two sisters, Fredette and Raellen, are in the back row with some other relatives I don't know.
Circa 1948...
I just love looking at these snippets of my family's life, long before I was ever born.
Family treasures, they are...
...two more old photos.
I'll see if Mom remembers who else is in the picture #2. She was old enough to maybe know/remember. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Kennetha Watts | 11/17/2014 at 12:13 PM
Pictures are priceless! Thanks for always sharing.
Posted by: Peggy | 11/14/2014 at 09:26 AM