Cutest Singing Elephant Ever

Friends Don't Let Friends Miss Rainbows


8:30 pm., April 29, 2014, over the fields of central Indiana...


It was raining last evening as Kim and I drove home from a kindergarten musical at the school (where I, by the way, had the CUTEST ELEPHANT EVER performing!  See that post tomorrow...).  As we walked into the cabin, the sun was just about to set and the sky had a strange glow about it.  I walked out onto the porch, thinking the conditions were perfect for a rainbow, scanned the eastern sky but saw nary a one.


So I came back inside, settled into my chair, and just a few minutes later the phone rang.  My dear friend Leann was calling just to tell me that I had to see and photograph this FABULOUS rainbow outside!



Oh my goodness!  Was she ever right!!!


Stretching across the horizon, not only was it a full rainbow but it was a DOUBLE full rainbow, the likes of which I don't ever remember seeing in my life!  Photos don't even begin to do it justice... it was breath-taking!



And I would have totally missed it, had it not been for Leann's phone call.  I love it that she immediately thought of me when she saw that beautiful rainbow and couldn't wait to share the glorious work of God in His heavens!

She's a dear friend!  And...

...friends don't let friend miss rainbows!



K. Jarman

I want to thank you for the post of this picture. Our son passed before his birth just a few days ago on August 30th. As my wife and I heal, both spiritually, and her physically, we are reminded of the double rainbow that everyone has been telling us about for the past few days. I have no doubt this is the rainbow they were speaking of as we gave birth to Cameron here in central Indiana at 12:48pm. It brings to mind the hymn, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. God bless.

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