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Posts from February 2014

Discovering the Wild Side

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Winding up a fantastic week on the fabulous Caribbean island-paradise that is St. John, a part of the US Virgin Islands.

But we discovered yesterday that St. John isn't just pristine beaches and waving palm trees....


It also has its wild, rugged, untamed side!

We spent the morning hiking (yes, ME hiking!!!) on the other end of the island, where the wind hits and the waves crash. Most of the beaches there are too dangerous to swim in, but they are oh-so-beautiful to experience. And well worth dragging my lazy you-know-what up and down those steep trails.

So today is our last full day of island life...what to do???

Bask in the glorious sunshine, swim, snorkel, repeat.

And throw in the occasional nap and snack and we've got ourselves a wonderful island day ahead!

But I'm glad for yesterday's adventures...

...discovering the wild side.


Hello from St. John!

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It's even more beautiful than I imagined!
Our plane left winter behind and just 6 hours later we landed in eternal summertime. St. John reminds me so much of Tahiti...except it's only 6 hours away instead of 20 and they speak perfect English. We're loving it!!!
We're staying at a charming bed and breakfast just outside of the main village of Cruz Bay. It's just on the edge of the Virgin Islands National Park, which comprises 90% of this small island. Yesterday we drove our rental Jeep to the other end of the island...only 10 miles from one end to the other, but that's as the crow flies (haven't seen a single crow, though!)...very mountainous and a little scary at times for this flat-lander girl.
But then we stopped for breath-taking scenes like this...WOW!!! God really showed off when He created these islands!
Today we're heading to the beaches to explore some good snorkeling spots and I can't wait to try out my new underwater camera.
Wishing you all a great week wherever in the world you may be, but just thought I'd check in and say "Hello" from St. John!

Sent from my iPhone

Until We Meet Again


My dearest Uggs,

Where shall I begin to speak of my love for you?

When you came into my life several years ago, I wasn't overly impressed with you at first.  You lived up to your name in lack of attractiveness, but you were comfortable and easy to get along with and I decided to give you a chance.  And so our relationship began.  Occasionally I'd spend a day or two with you, but mostly you sat hidden away patiently waiting for me to need you and want you.


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Before It's Gone


I'm sure by now everyone knows that, at least where we live in central Indiana, it's been the snowiest winter ever recorded. 

Every flake that falls now sets a new record.  And last night just before as the sun went down, we had the most gorgeous huge feathery flakes falling softly through the air, like God had (as my friend Julia said) shaken the snowglobe...a farewell wave as the Big Meltdown begins today.


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A Funny Story...

Mark 5 years old Dec 1972My brother Mark has always been a mischievous sort.

After three daughters (of which I am the oldest), Mark came along and the whole family doted on the darling little blond-haired boy...which only added to his orneriness.  With a 10-year span between our ages, Mark and I usually got along very well, but an incident with Kamaron and Anique's dogs last week (don't ask!) reminded me of one time that my cute little brother absolutely HORRIFIED me on, of all places, our school bus.


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One Week Old


Krew is smiling (no, that is NOT a gas pain...that is a SMILE!) because Gramaw came to his house to spoil him help out for a couple of days!

Daddy had to reluctantly go back to work and Mommy, already trying to recover from feeling-like-a-freight-train-hit-you that is childbirth, got smacked with the stomach flu bug, so enter Krew's grandmas.  Gramaw D and I tag-teamed it to fill in the week while Anique recovered and adjusted to her new "normal". 


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