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Posts from September 2013

Coach Em and Her Girls

VBSectSrYrHard to believe it's been 11 & 12 years ago that my only daughter Emily helped her Shenandoah Raider volleyball team win back-to-back sectional titles.

VB Sectional Jr. Yr










And now, my little volleyball player is all grown up and coaching a high school team of her own!  I'm a volleyball parent all over again...this time watching Emily The Teacher/Coach mentoring a new flock of young volleyball players.

Of course, you KNOW I have to take my camera's a few LOT of photos of Emily and her volleyball girls in action!


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Massage, India-Style

As I prepare to close down my old website, there are a few stories that I just don't want to lose, experiences I never want to forget.  This is one of those, originally posted October 24, of the funniest things that has ever happened to me.

It was at the end of my second mission trip to India, in October 2008.  Before we left, we spent the night at a "luxury" resort hotel complete with a massage parlor, where I experienced my first (and so far my only) massage.  I'm hesistant to ever have another massage, because NOTHING can top this one I had halfway across the world.  Hope this puts a smile on your face this Monday morning.


To finish up my posts about my incredible trip to India, I want to end with a story about the funniest experience I had.  It had nothing to do with the children's orphanage or medical camps or anything significant.  It started with a quest to spend rupees before we left the country.

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Twenty-five years ago (wow...has it really been that long?...) when Kim's grandpa Russell Fuson was on his deathbed, he often spoke "out of his head."  He was blind from the time I knew him, but his hearing was keen and his images were vivid in his still-sharp mind.

Grandpa Fuson would seem completely aware and alert, and out of the blue he'd say he heard work horses clopping down the road.  We all kind of poo-pooed it, since Grandpa had farmed with horses years and years ago, thinking he was just remembering old times.

Now I'm not so sure that's what it was.  Every time I see an Amish farmer (which are getting more numerous all the time) driving his horse team down the very road where Grandpa Fuson lived, it makes me wonder if his "crazy exhortations" about days long gone were actually a premonition of days to come.


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Saturday Snapshots and Snippets


Every morning's sunrise amazes me...the gift of a new day!

And the miraculous thing is that no two are the same, each uniquely gorgeous in its own right.

One of these days I am going to make a point to photograph every sunrise for a whole year and put them together in a book.

Another "one of these days" I NEED another one....


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